Improve Your Claims, But First Improve You - Phil Sanov
Phil Sanov is among the nation's top First Party Claim attorneys, but more than that, Phil is one of the most motivational people in the industry.
He provided some amazing claim insight, but also some great personal development and shared his personal story.
Always remember, YOU ARE A BADASS!
About Phil: An accomplished and experienced trial lawyer living in Houston, Texas, Phil maintains a wealth of policyholder victory results. Phil’s personal experience surviving Hurricane Harvey combines with his long-term triumphs helping first party policyholders to make him an even more formidable lawyer representing policyholders. Focusing on First Party claims for over a decade, Phil knows how to work claims the right way to get the right results. In the last several years alone, Phil has secured over $50,000,000 in policyholder victory verdicts and settlements. Phil enjoys focusing his attention helping policyholders recover all they deserve within their insurance claim process.
Phil also speaks to large and small groups to help bring more leadership, persuasion and personal growth skills to the First Party Insurance Claim industry. Phil looks forward to helping you. When not helping policyholders, Phil spends most of his time studying personal development and providing motivational content helping others manage their personal growth and thought life. Phil also enjoys running events and spending time with his wonderful wife Tiffany.